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Home > Asked price in a sentence

Asked price in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2020-02-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: marked pricefixed pricelanded priceagreed pricequoted pricereduced pricerevised priceat a reduced price
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1. The asking price is too stiff.
2. The asking price for the flat was £89 500.
3. What's the asking price for this house?
4. They refused to accept less than the asking price.
5. The asking price is £500 but I'm open to offers.
6. They could sell their merchandise for quadruple the asking price.
7. Offers 15% below the asking price are unlikely to be accepted.
8. The asking price had been $ 4. 95 million.
9. Not surprisingly, their asking price went off the charts.
10. The asking price for that car is $7500.
11. If you genuinely think that the property is worth less than the asking price, then make a lower offer.
12. He finally persuaded Bolton to sell, but the asking price was an unprecedented £13,000, twice the previous record.
13. They do, however, insist that if we can't afford the extortionate asking price, then not to worry.
14. Prices have risen, on average, £100 per acre with some farms making 25 percent more than the asking price.
15. The $ 55, 000-a-night asking price might have something to do with that.
15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. In all honesty, it is probably worth more than the $ 30 asking price for the background information alone.
17. Liverpool, who splashed £2.9m for Saunders 13 months ago, are equally determined not to lower their asking price.
18. Did they give you the asking price for the house?
19. Consumers may be willing to pay the asking price but not able to do so because of lack of income.
20. The asking price was set at $ 1, on the condition that the house be moved.
21. Since you asked price office went to a good price office, but generally will not resolve.
22. He asked price . When Sollozzo said ten grand, McCluskey knew why.
More similar words: marked pricefixed pricelanded priceagreed pricequoted pricereduced pricerevised priceat a reduced pricenegotiated pricebid pricedemand pricebeyond pricestandard pricefetch a good priceclosed primaryestablished practicesinvoice pricepricepricedpriceycapricecall pricetop pricenet pricecut pricecut-priceat a priceoil priceprice cutprice war
Total 22, 30 Per page  1/1 
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